Easy & Safe Webmaster Only Host

"Specifically designed for website owners & webmasters -contact us if you own a website. -DMCA Ignored Host."

20M+ Active users
300 TB+ Files stored
Get started What you waiting for?

Upload your files

Files accepted: mp4, zip, jpg, png, gif

Drag and drop or to upload

File sharing

Manage, Save & Share

Safely manage all your files!

Easily upload multiple files at once and securely store them on our website for as long as you need. You can choose to either drag and drop your files using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, or any other modern browser, or simply select them from your device's file explorer. Our intuitive interface ensures a smooth and hassle-free upload process.

Share & Collaborate

Share your files with everyone!

Sharing your files has never been easier. We provide you with a variety of tools to make it simple for you to share your files with others. You can use our pre-generated HTML code to easily link your files from your website or blog, or post them directly on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Our user-friendly interface ensures that sharing your files is quick and hassle-free.

File sharing